Group only sending


Posted Nov 30, 2011, 7:47 pm
Trying out the product QS disclaimer on a live exchange server.

I want the system to only parse the signature on a certain group of user.

Currently it is working on all email not matter what setting i change..

Please help

Posted Nov 30, 2011, 9:44 pm
If you set the domain in the disclaimer manager to use no disclaimer (None) and then create a group using either an e-mail list or Active Directory, you can then use this group to set the required disclaimer.
If you just want to limit the overall disclaimer to certain users you can enable the 'Disclaimer users' group and control the list via Active Directory.

We also have a guide to groups available at:

Posted Dec 1, 2011, 1:27 pm
Thanks that worked perfectly...

Another question though... It seems to be stripping images from email.

Is there a setting or a way to change that.

Posted Dec 1, 2011, 2:09 pm
It should not strip anything from the e-mail. What type of e-mail is it (e.g. HTML) and is the image added before the disclaimer is added? If it is HTML, have you checked the HTML disclaimer is valid (i.e. everything is terminated correctly)?

Also, it is worth sending an example to support so that they can look into this.

Posted Dec 1, 2011, 2:30 pm
Ok it strips all images no matter when they are added to the email.

And the email is sent over in HTML format.

I can forward an email to them.

Posted Dec 1, 2011, 3:53 pm
That does sound very strange and should certainly not happen. Could you e-mail support a copy of the message along with the original and the HTML disclaimer used. Also, could you let them know the Windows and Exchange type used.

Posted Dec 1, 2011, 5:25 pm
I did send them an email but i did forget the version of the exchange and other things in it. When they respond with that i will fill in the email with the needed information i don't want to send them more then one email.

Posted Sep 22, 2021, 10:23 am
yes, Good post, Its working fine.. Also check it freelance voip engineer
