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Not displaying Track Number/Of or Disk Number/of MP3 file problems Martin Beney 2 1

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Hi Martin,

I take it the track field is set in the MP3? If so, does the track show in the GUI?

If the GUI shows the track, would it be possible to send the track (using a download site) with the output from the CLI to support so that we can investigate it further.

Posted Jul 7, 2019, 3:58 pm
Importing Tag Data MP3 file problems Martin Beney 2 1

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Hi Martin,

You can set all the track fields at once by adding each of the fields using the appropriate argument e.g. -tr 01 -ti "a title" to set both the track number and the title.
If you are using a text file you will need to parse the file in the batch file and create the variables then pass these to the CLI. Although if you are using a default set of data, creating a tdf export and importing that would be easier.

If this is not helpful, could give me a specific example of use and I will do my best to offer a solution.

Posted Mar 25, 2019, 11:16 pm
Bash shell script? MP3 file problems kds 3 1

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If you have installed the CLI rather than copying it (it is installed in /usr/local/bin), you just need to use the name and the track (using the full path of the track) e.g.:
id3edsmd -ti "My Title" /Users/kds/Desktop/MyRecordings/Song1.mp3

If you copied the CLI just use the full path e.g.:
/Users/kds/Desktop/id3edcmd -ti "My Title" /Users/kds/Desktop/MyRecordings/Song1.mp3

If you are scripting lots of files, just replace the full file path with the variable you require e.g.:

echo "Parsing directory '$1'..."
for FILE in "$1"/*
    if [[ -f "$FILE" ]]; then
        id3edcmd -ti "A title" "$FILE"

Where $1 is the path used when calling the script.

Posted May 12, 2016, 5:57 pm
CLI Syntax MP3 file problems WayOutWest 2 1

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The basic syntax is (assuming id3edcmd is in /usr/local/bin):
id3edcmd -ti "a title" /Users/WayOutWest/Desktop/MyRecording.mp3

Note that the full path is required.

If you need to keep the original, just copy the track before editing it e.g.:
cp /Users/WayOutWest/MyRecording.mp3 /Users/WayOutWest/Desktop/MyRecording1.mp3

Or add the option -trash to trash the original before updating.

Posted Feb 23, 2016, 10:59 am
Plan for Multiple Track edit for Win MP3 file problems elfen 2 1

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Are you opening the group editor using the CTRL key when selecting the file or files in the open window? As this is the default way of opening a group under Windows.

If this is not the issue, could you detail the steps involved.

Posted Dec 1, 2015, 11:25 pm
Using -import option in id3edcmd MP3 file problems macLurker 2 1

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The import argument is for importing tag data from an existing track or from a tdf file (i.e. tag data saved from the GUI). If you are setting the same data, this would be an option but it will only set shared fields such as the album not the title.

As the CLI is being run from a script, the simplest option is to define everything in the script and use one command to change everything, just remember to use the full path for the image.
If you are in need of help with creating the script, please contact support and they will be more than happy to help you.

Posted Oct 16, 2015, 12:13 pm
Command Line option for "Artist URL" MP3 file problems derwardian 2 1

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As of 1.21.25, in the CLI this is set by the '-au' argument.

Posted Aug 24, 2015, 1:31 pm
Podcast--information in comment, description, and/or lyrics field MP3 file problems jlm 2 1

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Basically, they are similar in that they all allow a large amount of text. The comments field is used in normal tracks for concise but extended information on the track and is displayed in most players.
The lyrics offers a place to enter the lyrics or transcript of a track but is
not usually shown by default, but when shown it is usually in a larger window than the comments.
The description for a podcast is only shown by players that support podcasts, it usually contains a long description of the podcast and is sometimes used instead of the comments. Most podcast players use the description over the comments.

Posted Aug 7, 2015, 12:26 pm
Create ID3 Template to Apply to Brand New Recordings MP3 file problems derwardian 8 2

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Sub strings in batch files can be performed using '~start,length' notation e.g.:
Where 6 characters from position 13 in the environment variable %var% will be extracted. Please note that the index of the strings is zero based.

One caveat is for argument variables such as %0 or %1 where you will have to assign them to a variable using set first e.g.:
set var=%1
echo %var:~13,6%

Posted Aug 7, 2015, 12:22 pm

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The simplest way would be to use a batch file with a folder (which contains the required files) as an argument. The batch file below is an example of this set up:

@echo off

IF "%1"=="" (
echo No folder name passed.
goto END

REM Default details required
SET TITLE=My title

REM Move to the passed folder
CD /D %1

set "FOLDER=%CD%"
echo Iterate through %FOLDER% (for MP3 files)...
for %%f in ("%FOLDER%\*.mp3") do (
"C:\Program Files\Pa-software\Windows ID3 Editor\id3edcmd.exe" -ti "%TITLE%" -ur "%URL%" "%FOLDER%\%%f"


Please note that this is just a quick and simple example and is not intended as best solution to your problem.

Posted Jul 14, 2015, 11:26 am
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