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French Characters aren't appearing properly, French Characters aren't appearing
This member is currently offline Z

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We've created a disclaimer which has french characters. The disclaimer works properly for users that use Outlook. We have an application that makes use of our mail server to send mail, but its characters appear all messed up on the disclaimer. Please see an example below:

Information confidentielle : Le présent message, ainsi que tout fichier qui y est joint, est envoyé à l'intention exclusive de son ou de ses destinataires; il est de nature confidentielle et peut constituer une information privilégiée. Nous avertissons toute personne autre que le destinataire prévu que l'examen, la retransmission, l'impression, la copie, la distribution ou toute autre utilisation de ce message et de tout fichier qui y est joint est strictement interdit. Si vous n'êtes pas le destinataire prévu, veuillez en aviser immédiatement l'expéditeur par retour de courriel et supprimer ce message et tout document joint de votre système.

What could be causing this?

Posted Nov 18, 2009, 7:06 pm Last edited Nov 18, 2009, 7:06 pm by Z
This member is currently offline markp

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Are you forcing the use of a message encoding that can cope with accented characters? If not then you need to set the disclaimer to use ISO-8859-1 as the message encoding, as Exchange may not change the original message encoding after the disclaimer has been added.
Mark Peters

Posted Nov 18, 2009, 8:24 pm
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It was set to UTF8, but I changed it to ISO-8859-1 which seemed to work. Thanks for your suggestion!

Posted Nov 19, 2009, 1:42 pm
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